
puppies | labrador puppies | boxer puppies | Bulldog | Golden retriever | pictures of puppies

Puppies, cute puppies, About Puppies

lovely puppies
Lovely Puppy
sweet puppies
cute Dog

A puppy is a juvenile dog. Some puppies may weigh 1-3 lb (0.45-1.4 kg), while larger ones can weigh up to 15-23 lb (6.8-10 kg). All healthy puppies grow quickly after birth. The coat color of a puppy may change as the puppy grows older, as is commonly seen in breeds such as the Yorkshire Terrier. In vernacular English, puppy refers specifically to dogs while pup may often be used for other mammals such as seals, giraffes, guinea pigs, or even rats.

labrador puppies pics
Labrador Puppy


Born after an average of 63 days of gestation, puppies emerge in an amnion that is bitten and eaten by the mother to breastfeed dog.Puppies begins almost immediately. If the litter exceeds six puppies, particularly if one or more are obvious runts, human intervention in hand feed solids puppies is necessary to ensure that the runts get proper nutrition and care of the mother . As they reach one month of age, puppies are gradually weaned and begin to eat solid foods. The mother may regurgitate partially digested food for the puppies or might let them eat some of her solid food. The mother dog usually refuses to nurse, at this stage, although it can sometimes leave nurse for comfort.

boxer puppies
Boxer Dog

Care For Puppies

At first, puppies spend most of their time sleeping and the rest feeding. They instinctively pile together into a heap, and become distressed if separated from physical contact with their peers, even with a short distance.Puppies are born with a sense of smell fully functional but can not open their eyes . During their first two weeks, meaning a puppy develop any faster. During this stage the nose is the primary sense organ used by puppies to find their mother's teats, and to locate their litter mates, if they become separated by a short distance. Puppies open their eyes about nine to eleven days following birth. At first, their retinas are poorly developed and their vision is poor. The puppies are not able to see as well as adult dogs. In addition, puppies' ears remain sealed until about thirteen to seventeen days after birth, after which they respond more actively to sounds. Between the ages of two to four weeks, puppies usually begin to growl, bite, wag their tails, and bark.Puppies grow very rapidly during the first three months, particularly after their eyes and ears open and they are longer totally dependent on their mother. Their coordination and strength improve, they spar with their litter mates, and begin to explore the world outside the nest. They play wrestling, chase, dominance, and play tug-of-war.

Bull dog puppies
Bull Dog
Puppies are highly social animals and spend most of their time interacting with their mother or their congeners. It is important that puppies are socialized with humans, particularly between the ages of eight and twelve weeks to encourage healthy interaction and develop the puppy's social skills around people. Puppies ideally should be exposed to the widest variety of friendly people as possible during this period. Dogs who do not receive adequate socialization during this sensitive period may display fearful behavior around humans or other dogs as adults. In small breeds, puppies are considered puppies until about 1 year as opposed to large breeds that can be considered a puppy until about 2 years.

Golden Retriever

golden retriever puppies
Golden Retriever

Implementation and declawing

The practice of home first began as a preventative measure for injury among working dogs. Docking is now mainly carried out for purely aesthetic reasons, and some breeds traditionally have their tails cut anywhere from slightly to almost completely. Some countries now ban cropping and docking for cosmetic purposes, while others, like the United States, allow. The practice is currently being challenged by the American Veterinary Medical Association. Some breeders also prefer to declaw the dogs to prevent future injuries caused by scratching, or in the case of dewclaws, ingrown and ripped off nails. Docking station and declawing procedures are usually performed in the first days after birth, by a veterinarian or an experienced breeder.